Drop in & 1:1 meetings

Showroom drop in
For those looking to explore our curtain collection in person and experience the quality of our curtains firsthand. We're here to showcase the collection and provide answers to any general curtain styling queries: Sign up for a visit here

Showroom 1:1 design consultation for multiple rooms
For projects requiring tailored solutions for 6+ windows/larger projects, we invite you to a bespoke 1:1 design consultation in our showroom. Book an in-depth 1:1 styling meeting in the showroom or an in-depth meeting online on FaceTime. These sessions are dedicated to crafting a curtain solution that seamlessly complements your space and decor. Following our design consultation, you will receive a personalized quote for your new, exquisite curtains, meticulously crafted to reflect your unique style and needs.

Book a meeting with us here

Home visit design consultation for +200 m2
For private residences with spaces exceeding 200 m2, we offer personalized home visits. Following our visit, you will receive a bespoke quote for your new, exquisite curtains. Please reach out to us at to schedule your curtain design consultation.

Please note that due to our curtain studio's limited team resources, we are currently able to provide 1:1 showroom meetings exclusively to private customers with curtain projects involving more than 6+ windows or larger projects. Additionally, for projects requiring over 3 windows, we offer measurement appointments with our expert installer to ensure flawless execution.

For our business and professional clients, we invite you to contact us for a dedicated 1:1 project meeting, either in our showroom or at your location. Reach out to us here to schedule a meeting.

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